Wednesday, August 02, 2006

On Last Sunday..

This post is actually a recollection of what happened last Sunday and thru it comes the inspiration of the birth and thus the title of this Webblog..

And, all these happened on one fateful Sunday..

B1)An owl to meet for early breakfast
@6am, handphone alarm rang. Woke up 3/4 asleep and called Sam, morning call; upon request. Too doopey to figure out why wasnt it Sam's voice but someone else singing some funny song.. Hang up, back to my slumberland.. zzz..
@7am, woke up 1/2 asleep, another 10min, can? @0710, 1/4 asleep, another 5min.. @0715, ok, better up and rise!

SMS fr Sam said she just woke up, be late to meet us by 9am. Huh, how come? Didnt l call her @6am? It turned out besides WeiTing who arrived on time @8am at Khatib station, me and BB're late too.. "Dui bu chi, WT!"

It's a beautiful Sunday morning and "Siah Siah, BB!" for giving us a breakfast treat at Khatib McDonalds!
Demonstrated my Canon Powershot A700 a feature which can capture a selected color of the view, which l find it so~~ cool! See, WT in the yellow world of McDonalds! :)

B2)An insecured to fellowship
Sunday service, preached by Teck Meng: Access to God. God listens to prayers, There're rooms for us in Heaven and, Friends forever in the kingdom of God.

Saw Sriwan, who just joined the hospital, sitting 2 rows ahead. Ok, later will go say Hi. But after the service she's talking with her group members. So thinking, "Hmmm, will l disturb their conversation?" Waited.. Still talking.. waited again.. Enough waiting! Go! Dont wanna give anymore excuses of not fellowshipping again. Yup, did it and learnt abit more on infection control and most probably will see each other more around the hospital.

@1230, we all gathered to hop onto FJ’s lorry. Hahaa, we all flocked behind the lorry deck like Bangladeshi workers being transported to worksite.

What added to the excitement was it started drizzling from the moment we left the church and rain drops got heavier as we journeyed onto the expressway.. And interestingly, everybody’re trying to cover their heads (ok, ok, including myself lah) with everything from newspapers, hooded jackets, cardigan, towel and umbrella (oh no, wind too strong on a moving vehicle!)..
The rest of the body and bags can be drenched, but the hair must not be messy and the face must stay clean, dry, handsome and pretty! Hahaa.. Some, upon landing seemed totally “untouched” by the unmercifully strong wind and the rain.. Hmmm..

Errgg… Starting to see stars, my eyes and my head getting heavier.. Signs of low batt alert!! Gotta go have a power nap for tonight another night to go..

Will continue on the following, so stay tuned!

B3) A Runaway to Stay
B4) An Impatient to Wait
B5) A Prideful to be Humble
B6) An Independent to be Vulnerable


  • Hi Jen,

    yeah waking up in the morning in Sunday is quite challenging!! Expecially when you've had 6-day early working day .... xp!!

    But what we can say ... if it's for God, everything is fine, no problem!! Right??

    Let's add oil together la!!

    Angie :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:37 PM  

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