Saturday, August 05, 2006

Deep Teaching Series - The Ascent to Truth

Last night @1830, met up with BB at Yishun. At the Bus Interchange, we couldnt find Bus#85, we asked a SMRT bus driver in his apple green color uniform. He pointed us the direction, and he said, it will depart in 2min time. Phew, just in time. We went joined in the queue. The same bus uncle came to us and said, you're standing on #39 lane, its the queue right next to it! Oh, so impressed by his courtesy! And, guess what? He is the driver of the #85, which then drives us to the church! :o

l always enjoy the bus journey, where not only we can talk leisurely, sitting side by side next to each other enabled us to whisper into each others’ ears some “secrets” too, hahaa.. Had a great time with BB catching up with each other’s life.. :) WT, in her favourite black, waiting for us at the bus stop liao.

This Fri session of the deep teaching series is catered for parents. The crowd's much smaller, thus using the smaller Nusantara Hall at 2F. BB told us, how do you know whether its Fathers or Mothers turn, look at the number of cars parked outside the church building, then you’ll know. Ha!

What an informative lesson by John Louis on the history of how the Word of God evolved from the ancient manuscripts hand-written on different materials from papyrus etc to the current printed Bible! The early medieval churches, though tried to create an “access barrier” for the scriptures to reach the common mass, they couldn’t fight God who then brought about incredible men like John Wycliffe, Willian Tyndale etc who sacrificed their lives translating the scriptures from Latin and Greek respectively into English bringing the Truth even till the modern age now. Hey, we can even read their works on the internet now, isnt that amazing?!

Throughout the twists and turns, we could see how God’s hands worked through the whole process to spread this gospel to the mankind. I am very convicted after knowing our Bible does not come by as easy as just paying couple of dollar notes to buy it off the shelf from any bookshops. There’re blood, tears, sweat, dreams, lives and God’s incredible plan and timing to bring the Bible onto our hands. l, personally, will see it in a very different light now.. =]

Phew, that’s the warming up to bring us into the OT world in the lessons to come of the fundamentals of God’s teaching! Really excited and looking forward to it, amen! Pls pray for me that my colleague will be willing to change the next Wed shift with me so that l can attend the 2nd lesson next week, thanks!


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