Sunday, August 06, 2006

So Enlightening..

This afternoon had a study at Julie’s house @3pm. The sun’s scotching hot! So, we’re all so glad to enter into the air-conditioned study room. Air-conditioner is undoubtedly one of the most wonderful inventions in our modern world!

As the prelude, we had some light chat. Talked about many many things from Taj Mahal to post-natal depression... to the deep teaching. We all got so excited sharing with Julie what we learnt from the lesson last night and how it helped us in clearing some of our misconceptions on the Bible in its physical form that comes with many different versions etc. The question arised was, “What about the Chinese Bible then??” Based on which language bible(s) that the couple of Chinese bible ‘versions’ existed now were translated from?? Hhmmmm… Another BIG topic to research on…

Then, comes the serious talk on the sins study… After rounds of questioning, answering, sharing and reflecting… the great realization unanimously is that the root of most of our major and minor sins is our very Heart! [Heart->Attitude->Action].Yet, so often we get too focus on the ‘actions’ – the ‘what to do?’ and the ‘solutions’. So, to tackle it more effectively is to go from the other direction instead, ie: to go deeper to check our hearts, then it’ll be reflected in our attitude and our actions.. In clinical lingo, by solving the underlying diseases/disorder, the signs and symptoms will be cured as well… Hmmm yes, theoretically that’s it! Ha, it’s easier said than done, when comes to application in life, it’ll be much complicated and there’ll still be struggles… Another thing for sure will help too: Be open, confess and share. Be humble, seek for advice and Pray!

We all walked out the room with 'glowing' faces - enlightened by the wisdom guru, our dearest Julie Fan! :D


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