Saturday, September 30, 2006

A Big Fight

Had a big fight with a friend ytd. It is an SMS fight, instead of face to face, its over HP to HP yet, the effect is equally hurtful.. Its over sth which supposedly a simple good deed, a sincere gesture, but why complicate it with politics and personal problems??!

Perhaps concidentally both going thru some hormonal changes.. one at a highly irritable state and the other highly defensive mode... "Ka Boom~~!!", highly explosive collision! Blinded by fire of anger, blurted out regrettable remarks.. Sigh..

Was it Satan's trick again and yes, we shouldnt let it have a foothold of us and make our heart hardened.. l think l need to pray for more grace to ppl, esp when the pride's stepped on.. And, l apologize for the silly things l said that made you upset..

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Pilgrimage of The Ascent Test

[Psalms 134]
1 Praise the LORD, all you servants of the LORD who minister by night in the house of the LORD.
2 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the LORD.
3 May the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth,bless you from Zion.

At the end of the pilgrimage ascending to Jerusalem, the faithful Jews praised God for the blessings.

We joined pilgrims today for as a church, we just finished the exam for The Ascent to Truth. Wanna thank and praise God too for giving me a day off today from my work schedule to be able to study the notes and memorise all the scriptures with Garf this afternoon @SMU, or else l would have just staring the papers blank.... From 12noon to 1830 was an "iron-man triathlon"; going thru the Facts, the Appendix scriptures and the Memory verses! As each hour passed by, can literally felt my pulse started to race, palms started to sweat and muscles getting tense up.. Luckily still could maintain the brain sanity, hahaa... Along the train journey, together with Jay, making up funny associations to memorise the entire Bible books sequence; from OT to NT. Arriving at the Punggol bus stop, can easily spot CCC Xtians from the Ascent notebook on their hands, haha!

@1930, as usual, worship songs and prayers. Then, came the moment of truth; whether you know it or you dont.. Section A, scriptures.. Section B, also scriptures.. Section C, memory verses.. Section D, MCQ on facts.. Phew, not too bad, think can pass.. A sis said its quite easy. Ya, not that difficult, but to clamp all everything within a day just no joke..

After the service, was informed by Julie to fill up the CCC M'ship form.. Then, went prayed with Berlin, CL and WT. Ha, we all shared how we didnt have a good sleep last night.. All're relieved that it's over, phew..

Thats the end of one pilgrimage, yet also marked the beginning of another.. Like what CL said in her prayer, what we've studied not just merely for the exam, but also we can apply it into our lives and better equip us when we study Bible with others. Ya, thats right..

24/9/2006 (Sunday)
"Band of Brothers"
Today Sunday sermon by WK using few video clips taken from the same titled television miniseries co-produced by Hollywood bignames, Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks. The video depicts a US airborne platoon, Easy Company and the members joined in the Allied Forces in the invasion of the German Nazi at Normandy during WWII.

Like the soldiers who fought for the liberation of the invaded lands, we as Xtians, also fight in spiritual war against Satan every single day of our lives. We cant be sitting on the fence.

The bring-home questions are,
"Who's side are you fighting along with?"
"Are you prepared?"
"Why we fight?"

A very convicting and inspiring message for me personally was from one of the interviews of the veteran soldiers when asked, "Are you a war hero?". He answered, "No, l aint. But l fought in the company of Heroes.."
Hmmmm yes, we fight with and along one side of each other..

After service, as a small group, we all for Sam's suggestion to go Geylang for lunch! We took the North-East line alighted at Bkt.Panjang staion then took Bus13 and walk to the famous Taiwan "dou jiang you tiao". Besides the signature dishes, we also ordered 'siao loong bao' and 'O-ah mee sua'. After filling up our stomach, Ber went thru the Ascent chapters with us. The more l listened, the more l got overwhelmed.. As Sam gotta rush off for work, we then moved on to the nearby stall and indulge ourselves for Durian! Yum yum!

On the way walking to the Aljunied MRT station, confessed to Ber and WT that had not been revising for the Ascent test and having this idea to skip a friend's wedding dinner tonight..

Wedding Dinner
Rush, rush, rush.. Shower, makeup, lipstick, nail polish, dress up, perfume, high heels.. Phone rang.. my friend's already waiting downstairs at my block! Took a taxi and head towards Carlton Hotel@City Hall. Along the journey, catching up with each others' life@work, leisure@travel and future plans..

Wow, the previous bubly young girl tonight turned into a gorgeously beautiful bride with her signature 'chan lan' smile.. Together with the rest of the ex-coursemates, we all're happy for her who's been raised single handedly by her grandmother, that from now will be embarking on the next chapter of her life with the husband.. Ha, its a good time catching up with the other 4 friends sharing individual experiences at respective hospitals..

Well, am glad to make this trip down to join in this joyous moment of a friend's new beginning and catching up with some old friends.. :)

Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Leap of Faith

Ytd was a physically and mentally stressful day at work.. After work, went home for a short nap recharge, recharge, then went met Berlin at CCK station for evangelism. Its been a long while and its always been a great struggle for me to approach strangers to share faith.. After a short prayer, we set off to Lot1. The first girl we approached, shaked shaked her head and left without a word, and l went, "oh great.. thats it.. it's always like that.." The 2nd girl we approached, talked for awhile. Appreciate for Berlin's persistence and focus not to get distracted while she tried to get us into filling up her lucky draw forms. She then passed us her business cards. The 3rd girl at the control station seemed to waiting for someone, but then actually 'waiting' to go home for dinner.. Couldnt believe that this 19y.o girl studying Bio Medical Sc (same as my sis) eventually willing to follow us for the BT!

True Stories BT:

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Good Wednesday

Ytd after work took bus 156 from McRitchie bus-stop all the way to Compass Point. Went to the library cafe to go thru the Ascent. Ordered iced chocolate and oreo cheese cake. The cake tastes funny, but finished it somehow, hungry.. Sigh, feel very overwhelmed by all the scriptures fr OT and NT that need to memorize for next week exam.. Thats the problem of last minute work.. Appreciate for Garf's help in going thru the Sinner's Prayer.

Its a regional service, combined with Chinese Ministry. Good news + conversion stories; one after another, so exciting.. A lesson by Alvin on the 'one' lost sheep, lost coin, and the lost 'ones', so inspiring.. After service, went to the church rooftop for a short prayer. First time praying to God with Berlin. Thru prayer, we actually can have a glimpse of whats in someone's heart.. One of the ways to get to know each other better, l guess.

Took bus 85 back with Sam and WT. Along the way, listening to these 2 siao mei mei sharing abt what they going thru and how they're overwhelmed by things happened in their lives for the past week. Very glad by their openess, as that shows the trust when one confides in you. Hmmm... for the young ones (sounds so old myself), persevere on, as what you're going thru now is not uncommon. Its all part of growing up experience and character molding process. Its always painful and tiring at times, but press on and see whats the lessons behing that God wants you to learn?

Romans5:4 "..suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

God says STAY and you'll be BLESSED

This's the 2nd time since l started working not going anywhere on my annual leaves holidays. The 1st time was 2 years ago, after paying up the Korean tour with my friends, was later informed by the tour agency that it was cancelled due to Korean Air pilots went on strike.. This time round, my friend and l was so close to making flight and accomodation booking over the internet, but retreated at the last step as we did not have our passport# with us.
l was at the crossroad of making decision, whether should l go ahead, or stay, when l saw the hospital's September training modules includes the course that l so wanted to join, but participation's based on assignment. After considering the pros and cons and praying to God, finally decided to put forth my request to my manager. If she rejected or the class cancelled again like what happened last month, then let it be. The outcome is my manager couldnt say 'No' as l'm using my Annual Leaves slot to join, thus not affecting the ward manpower for the week. And, wa lah, the course got enough no. of ppl this time to resume! So.. gotta apologize, sorry and sorry, to my dear friend.. l'll go Macau with no one else but you, ok?

A Blessed Weekend
The 2-day intensive training is quite an overwhelming in-depth lessons on theories, practicals and team coordination. Learnt alot and be better equipped for any code-blues. And so happy got the highest score for the theory test! :D
The course finished early with the exam. Then, went to attend a pt appt, who flew in fr Bangladesh for a surgery. Asked ard and found my way to the hotel where the family put up, opp Mustapha Shopping Centre via Farrer Park MRT station. Walking in this Little India made one wonders, "Am l really in Spore?!" First time attending to appt in a hotel, what an experience..

Met up Julie @Mos Burger,CP. Catching up and sharing life. Then, back to her house for a short lesson. Still no verdict as yet.. Then, went to Yishun. Invited to join in Garf's small group for her B'day celebration @Swensen. It turned out to be an emotional cum counselling session..It was pouring heavily outside, so as inside.. After abt ?3hrs of questioning, sharing, consoling, and challenging, the tears stopped and the smile back to YP face.. Feel happy for her to see her breakthrough her personal struggle and no matter what the scale is, its always a personal victory that worth rejoicing! Outside, the rain stopped as well, and the sky cleared.. While they continued on discussing abt their small group Oct schedule, l went to attend to my old pt's request for a wound inspection. Checked the pt's leg wound, cleaned it and checked his blood sugar. Ha, also gave the wife a back massage, that she always enjoyed so much. Told her this's a social visit, so no payment needed. After that, back to find the group for dinner, so hungry.. The ice-cream feast earlier on all melted in the stomach liao.. Supposed to go eat 'suckling pig rice' at ChongPang market, but since already 9pm+, the pigs went home ledi.. So, we ate (shark) fish porridge instead. The recommendable dish is the fried oyster egg, yummy!!

'Black sky dark ground'+heavy downpour morning. But, dramatically, 'rain over sky bright', the moment before stepping out of house.. Thank God! Met Julia at Admiralty bus stop to travel down to church. Along the journey, we're talking abt our real spooky encountances.. What a topic of sharing.. Then, had bfast with another bro fr the East at 198.
After service, NW celebrated Garf's b'day and dubbed her as CNN's "guo bao" (national treasure). B'day cake, gifts, cards,& sharing. Very impressed indeed by the saying, "If l can do, l'll do. And, if l do, l'll make sure l'll do a good job!" Though short and simple, yet so much dedication, hardwork, and a readily serving heart behind.. l salute you!
After that, went to JRL to look for resources for graphics design for poster. Not much, got a Photoshop book instead. So impressed by the amasing stuffs it can do on digital graphis editing.. Took dinner at the library cafe, then do the Ascent scriptures. Have missed 3 services, gotta catchup catchup and revise.. Gosh, so much scriptures to remember~~~ 10 more days to the exam date! :{

Today on PH(public holiday) replacement off. Heavy downpour again. After spending previous night searching for digital cliparts fr the internet but couldnt find suitable ones to the theme, decided to DIY. As not meeting WT for the PhotoShop CD tonite, at the end resorted to the most primitive means; free-hand sketch and MS Paint. Other than makan time, the rest of time was engrossed in doing the sketching on the floor and in front of PC digitalising the images. 7 charaters, one after another.. Its such a wonderful experience to fully focus into a project, fr conceptualising an idea, from nothing, scratch by scratch, to see sth born out or it.. Like giving birth to own children, and see them 'grow', ha! So satisfying.. And, wa lah, here's one of the 7 dwarfs, look familiar? :p

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Follow Up Study

Ytd was a pleasant working day at the ward. Had some good time with colleagues teaching them and going through together the newly launched electronic billing system. The ward census these couple of days have been pretty low, below 20. So, the clerk 'ordered' to close one of the rooms for washing, waxing and changing of curtains. So, we ended up spending the after lunch hours transferring pt on beds and all their belongings to another room like 'exodus'..

After work @1445, accompanied BB to get a new phone @Novena Square, before she leaves for her 1-mth training at Paris and Copenhagen on this coming Friday. After that, l went to the Hans for 'chia teh'. Reading thru the contract of the M1 $210 rebate over 24 mths and decided to sign up for it. Ha, poor BB, later she called up and complained feel cheated by the phone shop young chap who charged $ for the data transfer except the archieved sms and pix, which her colleagues actually did it for her at her co..

On the way home @ard 1630, l suddenly feel its such a simple joy to be able to be home for some rest at such early hours. 1st time in the past 4 mths l have no 'home appt'. After doing some laundry, took a power nap and woke up @1900. Quickly swallowed up a slice bread stuffed with luncheon meat and went out for WT's follow-up study. Dont wanna be late again.. Yes, reached Julie's house @2005, phew!

Today's topic on "Faith, Grace and Work". Though our naked eyes cannot 'see' God, we believe in His existance, His promises and His plans for us...this is Faith. We are saved even when we're still sinners with lotsa flaws not coz of what we do, so that nobody can boast...this is Grace. For what? To do good works to show obedience, our gratefulness of God's love and to fulfill His dreams...this is Work/Deeds.
Ya, its important to be aware of these 3 elements to have the faith to understand that we're saved to do good work, so that we do not loose sight on why we are doing what we're doing; for God's rather than our self glory.

After the study, had very pleasant light chatting telling stories reminiscing about the past, our childhood, old time classic movies and cartoons that we grown up with, politics, and Julie's sharing on her encountance with all sorts of xtians.. And, we ended leaving her house @2330!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Bday celeb for the Queen and the Princess

After service and lunch, the NW xtians gathered to celebrate the Queen CE and the Princess Sam's bday. 'Young' and the youngest, 'matured' and the 'maturedest'. After sitting both the bday girls at the centre of the long tables, came the round of sharing and encouragement. It is a moving scene to see sharing that touched hearts and tear dropped..

Its really good to see the dark clouds cleared, the radiance back and the sparks in the Queen's eyes again.. Welcome back to the 'throne'! Its really not easy to juggle with course assignments/deadlines, work, at the same time to be the Shephard of faith for this herd of NW sheeps.. Though it took 5 years to see what you'd dreamt of to realise, but persevere on and God will bless even more for the years to come..

Thanks for the chocolate cake with yoghurt pineapples topping that Princess Sam made. Yes, you can consider opening a cake shop next time! You made my jaw dropped to see yr fully packed schedule! Wow, how can you accomplish so many things in 24/7*1/52*1/12! Anyway, l fully agreed that now that you're still in school you can have all these luxury to do so many things, but once you start work, you may not anymore.. Ok, go 'chiong' ba, but do take rest too as yr body needs it to recharge and refuel...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Where's my Sept 1st?!

Woke up this morning and found its already "Sept 2nd"?! Rubbed rubbed my unbelieving eyes, compared my watch with my HP date, and took another look again, yes no mistake, its indeed "Sept 2nd"!! Oh my! Trying to recall...

My last night shift was 31/8/2006, l remembered that as l wrote alot this date on pt reports, vital signs charts, medication cards.. Then after work, went to a pt house for the very last visit, after 4 mths of regular visits.. The old Indian lady gave me a hug, kissed me on my left and right cheeks, then she broke down in tears, putting her hands together and mumbled sth in her language.. She asked me to go visit her sometime.. My heart went out to her, really sympathise this old worn-out Indian lady for having to bear with a stubbornly non-compliant husband.. Though everytime without fail, she'd complained to me abt the husband, urged to chop off his wounded leg, and at one time even fought in front of me.. But afterwhich she would hand me a medicated moisturiser to apply onto his dried affected leg.. Love and hate, hate and love?? Sigh, its indeed not easy to be a wife...

On the way back beside the Yishun reservoir and saw this 'Shy Shy grass'(Han Siu Chao) that l have not seen for awhile.. l believe all along it has been there, but how come l never take note of it until now..? Hmmmm...

Reached home@1050, oh forgot to 'dabao' lunch on the way, anyway too tired to go out again.. So, thinking of taking a nap first..Zzz.. Then halfway, awaken by a phone call, then replied to few SMS.. Then, cannot 'tahan', head and eyes very heavy, back to Zzzzz.. Then, woke up again, hhmmmm, so~~ satisfied with the sleep, then looked at the time.. "0400/ 4AM"!!

Yes..(Cruel fact)The date has rolled over to 02/09/2006, while l was still asleep....And, l lost my Sept 1st in the slumberland.. :(

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