Thursday, September 21, 2006

Good Wednesday

Ytd after work took bus 156 from McRitchie bus-stop all the way to Compass Point. Went to the library cafe to go thru the Ascent. Ordered iced chocolate and oreo cheese cake. The cake tastes funny, but finished it somehow, hungry.. Sigh, feel very overwhelmed by all the scriptures fr OT and NT that need to memorize for next week exam.. Thats the problem of last minute work.. Appreciate for Garf's help in going thru the Sinner's Prayer.

Its a regional service, combined with Chinese Ministry. Good news + conversion stories; one after another, so exciting.. A lesson by Alvin on the 'one' lost sheep, lost coin, and the lost 'ones', so inspiring.. After service, went to the church rooftop for a short prayer. First time praying to God with Berlin. Thru prayer, we actually can have a glimpse of whats in someone's heart.. One of the ways to get to know each other better, l guess.

Took bus 85 back with Sam and WT. Along the way, listening to these 2 siao mei mei sharing abt what they going thru and how they're overwhelmed by things happened in their lives for the past week. Very glad by their openess, as that shows the trust when one confides in you. Hmmm... for the young ones (sounds so old myself), persevere on, as what you're going thru now is not uncommon. Its all part of growing up experience and character molding process. Its always painful and tiring at times, but press on and see whats the lessons behing that God wants you to learn?

Romans5:4 "..suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."


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