Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Pilgrimage of The Ascent Test

[Psalms 134]
1 Praise the LORD, all you servants of the LORD who minister by night in the house of the LORD.
2 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the LORD.
3 May the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth,bless you from Zion.

At the end of the pilgrimage ascending to Jerusalem, the faithful Jews praised God for the blessings.

We joined pilgrims today for as a church, we just finished the exam for The Ascent to Truth. Wanna thank and praise God too for giving me a day off today from my work schedule to be able to study the notes and memorise all the scriptures with Garf this afternoon @SMU, or else l would have just staring the papers blank.... From 12noon to 1830 was an "iron-man triathlon"; going thru the Facts, the Appendix scriptures and the Memory verses! As each hour passed by, can literally felt my pulse started to race, palms started to sweat and muscles getting tense up.. Luckily still could maintain the brain sanity, hahaa... Along the train journey, together with Jay, making up funny associations to memorise the entire Bible books sequence; from OT to NT. Arriving at the Punggol bus stop, can easily spot CCC Xtians from the Ascent notebook on their hands, haha!

@1930, as usual, worship songs and prayers. Then, came the moment of truth; whether you know it or you dont.. Section A, scriptures.. Section B, also scriptures.. Section C, memory verses.. Section D, MCQ on facts.. Phew, not too bad, think can pass.. A sis said its quite easy. Ya, not that difficult, but to clamp all everything within a day just no joke..

After the service, was informed by Julie to fill up the CCC M'ship form.. Then, went prayed with Berlin, CL and WT. Ha, we all shared how we didnt have a good sleep last night.. All're relieved that it's over, phew..

Thats the end of one pilgrimage, yet also marked the beginning of another.. Like what CL said in her prayer, what we've studied not just merely for the exam, but also we can apply it into our lives and better equip us when we study Bible with others. Ya, thats right..

24/9/2006 (Sunday)
"Band of Brothers"
Today Sunday sermon by WK using few video clips taken from the same titled television miniseries co-produced by Hollywood bignames, Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks. The video depicts a US airborne platoon, Easy Company and the members joined in the Allied Forces in the invasion of the German Nazi at Normandy during WWII.

Like the soldiers who fought for the liberation of the invaded lands, we as Xtians, also fight in spiritual war against Satan every single day of our lives. We cant be sitting on the fence.

The bring-home questions are,
"Who's side are you fighting along with?"
"Are you prepared?"
"Why we fight?"

A very convicting and inspiring message for me personally was from one of the interviews of the veteran soldiers when asked, "Are you a war hero?". He answered, "No, l aint. But l fought in the company of Heroes.."
Hmmmm yes, we fight with and along one side of each other..

After service, as a small group, we all for Sam's suggestion to go Geylang for lunch! We took the North-East line alighted at Bkt.Panjang staion then took Bus13 and walk to the famous Taiwan "dou jiang you tiao". Besides the signature dishes, we also ordered 'siao loong bao' and 'O-ah mee sua'. After filling up our stomach, Ber went thru the Ascent chapters with us. The more l listened, the more l got overwhelmed.. As Sam gotta rush off for work, we then moved on to the nearby stall and indulge ourselves for Durian! Yum yum!

On the way walking to the Aljunied MRT station, confessed to Ber and WT that had not been revising for the Ascent test and having this idea to skip a friend's wedding dinner tonight..

Wedding Dinner
Rush, rush, rush.. Shower, makeup, lipstick, nail polish, dress up, perfume, high heels.. Phone rang.. my friend's already waiting downstairs at my block! Took a taxi and head towards Carlton Hotel@City Hall. Along the journey, catching up with each others' life@work, leisure@travel and future plans..

Wow, the previous bubly young girl tonight turned into a gorgeously beautiful bride with her signature 'chan lan' smile.. Together with the rest of the ex-coursemates, we all're happy for her who's been raised single handedly by her grandmother, that from now will be embarking on the next chapter of her life with the husband.. Ha, its a good time catching up with the other 4 friends sharing individual experiences at respective hospitals..

Well, am glad to make this trip down to join in this joyous moment of a friend's new beginning and catching up with some old friends.. :)


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