Saturday, September 30, 2006

A Big Fight

Had a big fight with a friend ytd. It is an SMS fight, instead of face to face, its over HP to HP yet, the effect is equally hurtful.. Its over sth which supposedly a simple good deed, a sincere gesture, but why complicate it with politics and personal problems??!

Perhaps concidentally both going thru some hormonal changes.. one at a highly irritable state and the other highly defensive mode... "Ka Boom~~!!", highly explosive collision! Blinded by fire of anger, blurted out regrettable remarks.. Sigh..

Was it Satan's trick again and yes, we shouldnt let it have a foothold of us and make our heart hardened.. l think l need to pray for more grace to ppl, esp when the pride's stepped on.. And, l apologize for the silly things l said that made you upset..


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