Thursday, October 12, 2006

l've been Restored!!

Phew.. what an experience to go on stage to share on my restoration!

Thank God today's my off day, so could stay home to write up my 'speech script'. Having this deja vu feeling as though its another Deep Teaching Exam again! SMS Julie that this 'exam' somehow is harder than the Ascent for sure..

Took a cab down and good that still in time for the service briefing, then realsied my sharing going to be the last, after Alvin's preaching.. Hmmmm, think its better as l wont be 'kan-cheong' that l would be too long-winded and take up the preacher's time.. But to confess, half of the sermon my mind couldnt concentrate on the lesson and maybe time of the month again (become very temperamental; a usual sign of mine), l was feeling very lousy and restless, even to the point of thinking running away.. l dont think l can share!! Worse, l started to keep on yawning, which is strange, as l thought l should have gotten over the night shifts hangover after sleeping thru the whole day yesterday! Quickly, l excused myself and ran to the toilet and pray to God to prepare my heart to be right for the sharing, and let the Holy Spirit to guide my speech.. Amen.

Back to my seat.. No more yawning. Heart is peaceful. Concentration back on Alvin's preaching (awesome lesson!). But the moment when Alvin finished preaching and announced for my turn... Oh No!! Pulse started to race, hands became cold and palms started to sweat!! Really appreciate Julie to walk me together up to the stage and did the 'ground-breaking' work for me.. My God! Feeling so awkward up on the stage.. didnt know where should l place my hands.. could feel the heat from my face radiated to my ears..

Miraculously though, after the first 5 minutes of 'stage fright', all the body systems turned to 'co-operative' mode, and back to normal! l felt peace and calmness descended on me.. As though its not myself who controlled the tongue and led the speech.. Holy Spirit, maybe.. :)

Sharing on:
i) Why l left?
ii) What happened along the way?
iii) What made me decided to come back again?
iii) What l learnt from the experience?

Restoration is not the end of the journey;
It's the beginning of a journey..
May God be with me, as l travel through this narrow gate...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

1/4 Left..

1st Oct. 1/4 of 2006 left.. What ve you done for the past 3/4 and planned for the remaining 1/4..?

One more night to go, and unexpectedly next week next week roster shows after the routine 3 day offs, are given 2 replacement AL + 1 PH, so altogether 6 off days! Not too fired up as such a last minute long break hard to plan to go on a breakaway.. Thats one of the problems in this line, always not easy to get travel companion that can go with our irregular timing.. sigh.. Anyway domestically, there're still many things to do.. So, most probably wont go anywhere this time round.. And, one of the to-dos is to reflect on the past and plan what to do for the remaining 1/4.. Hmmmm....

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