Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Sophie Scholl – The Final Days

Went to watch this movie with a friend from HK. I always enjoy the wits of HK ppl and their dialects which’s full of very funny vocabs and slang. And this is one of the very rare who likes to read the Asian Weekly in Chinese and European History! Too bad we missed the beginning bit of the movie as we went into the wrong cinema just next to it… Morale of the incidence: too much talking made one disoriented at times…

This German film’s about Sophie and her brother, Hans Scholl as the members of White Rose, a non-violent resistance group against the Nazi regime. When the siblings're laying out leaflets at Munich University, they're caught by a janitor who later called the Gestapo (German Nazi secret police). The film focused on Sophie’s mentally tormenting interrogation for days by the questioning official Robert Mohr. Though initially she tried to bluff him, but after her brother Hans finally confessed everything, she started to vindicate her ideals on Peace, Freedom, Conscience and her Faith in God, while also trying to protect the other group members. On the 6th day after their arrest, the Scholls and their aide Christoph Probst were convicted of high treason and sentenced to death on February 23, 1943.

"My little girl, though from now on, you'll not be passing through our door anymore, we're very proud of you. YOu're doing the right thing.." We're moved to tears at this scene when both Sophie's parents went to see them at the prison for the very last time. One of her last words before the execution: “The Sun still shines!”

Very moved and inspired by this young German lady's courage, hope and faith..

Before falling asleep at night, thinking through what the courageous young heroine stood up for her ideal, a question popped up, “Will l stand up for what is right even at the price of my life??” Hhmmm…

“Will you?”


  • “Will l stand up for what is right even at the price of my life??” -- Hard to say right now!! But I hope I will have that courage and faith to stand for the gospel of God!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:08 PM  

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