Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Weakest Link

Had a real bad sorethroat since yesterday, then came the flu and slight fever… My throats’s always been my “weakest list”, and think the pathogens (be it viruses, bacterias or fungus, which causes all types of diseases) know it pretty well too. There they are, making their “grand entrance” again.. But hey, you minute creatures couldn’t refrain me from feeling so excited that today is my OFF day again, yoohoo~~!! ;) Have planned a list ‘to-do’ for today: do laundry, spring-clean my house, update my blog, cut my hair (maybe do a coloring, feel bored of the plain black hair), go library do QT, meeting xtians for dinner, then proceed to Julie’s house for my study follow by WT’s study.. Hmmm, l like that! Too bad couldn’t join in for the fireworks festival tonight at Marina, but gotta weigh the priority and time to practice self-control and self-denying the pleasure and fun seeking side of mine, instead to seek for spiritual nourishment…

That’s so much for physical. Spiritual wise, my weakest link is always my
, and believe Satan knows it far too well too… It uses various provoking situations, people and things to tempt me to fall into this character sin. Pride, is like a viral infection that causes other diseases to blossom like,
proud/arrogant, anger, lie, argument, self-centered, unloving, unforgiving
etc. So, gotta constantly pray for Humility, as that’s the antibiotics for Pride.

What is your “Weakest Link”?

[1 Corin 10:13] No tempation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful, He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.


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