Wednesday, August 09, 2006

5 Hours of Spiritual Feast

5 hours of spiritual lessons and interactions, definitely well worth the fireworks! Besides, it’s a big ‘party’ that came for the ‘feast’ too!

1st half:
A heavy lesson on Godly Sorrow vs Worldly Sorrow and what motivated me wanting to Repent
Is God in the whole picture, or is it all about I, Me, and Myself only? A big big question to ponder and meditate on…

Then, a challenge to learn to love God. Being born in a traditional Chinese family which there’s no concept of ‘Love’, it is not easy to grasp – to see, to feel and to understand God’s love.. Something to pray hard on…

2nd half:
A good reminder lesson on Decipleship that comes in 3 forms: 1) from other xtians around, 2) God’s words and 3) by ourselves!
It’s important as a guidance in our xtian journey and be open for correction and to seek advises as we all help each other to strive towards Christlikeness.

Both deciplers and decipers per se, were convicted and started to share about their experiences as they played the different roles in different stages of their xtian lives… As we learn the about God's words, we get to know each other better too; talents and struggles.

Thanks to CL for giving us a lift to the MRT! A treat? No-problemo! ;)


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