Sunday, August 27, 2006

Am l Ready?

Today's the lesson on Repentance. Next Sat will be the last lesson, and Julie asked me whether l am be 'restored'? Hmmm...Am l??

It took about a year to re-crack the hard nut, study from the East to the North West. A long spiritual journey of struggles, wrestlings and battles. Hardened heart, bad attitudes, prideful, and apathetic towards fellowshiping. Everytime coming to church then was to listen to the Words of God, but at the instant when the sermon came to an end, l'd zoom off immediately, as l felt so insecured among xtians whom l know yet feeling like strangers. l felt like the Prodigal son who came back without the sense of belongingness nor acceptance..

But l'm really grateful for God's grace that not only he gave me this second chance, He also brought ppl into my life, when l was about to give up.. He uses ppl and situations to really humble myself. Restart from ground zero, to start to know God all over again and His Words to rebuild my convictions.

Am l ready? Gotta be humble and ask, "Do you think l am ready??" :)


  • hihi hamster,
    thanx 4 the encouragement! as the saying goes, "when the going gets tough, the tough gets going". though me no tough G.I.Jane, but gotta keep going forward too, as life's no turning back..

    (Prov3:5-6)Trust in the Lord with all yr heart and lean not on yr own understanding;in all yr ways acknowledge him, and he will make yr paths straight.

    By Blogger doggie, at 12:43 PM  

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