Saturday, August 26, 2006

Coincidence? Pure Luck? Miracle? Divine intervention?

True enough like what my seniors said, after the lunar "Seven Month", ppl started to come back, esp elective cases. These couple of days we've been having full-house. Beds're booked even before pts' discharged.

After work, exhausted. Waited for 15min, then realised wrong bus-stop.. Dragging up the over-head bridge to the opposite bus-stop. Trying to console myself, it could be worse, what if l only realised abt it when l'm already halfway the journey in the wrong bus towards the wrong direction.. ok..

The 1-hour westward bus journey passed thru the green Thompson, the bustling Orchard Rd, commercial Raffles City, touristy Waterfront then into the old Redhill neighbourhood. Alighted near a Thai temple and stopped awhile to take a brief look at its blended Thai and Chinese architecture. Then, went onto a kopitiam nearby to 'chia teh', taking a break in this hot lazy afternoon. Ordered an ice-milo and a toast.

Its already 5 o'clock. Walked pass a small Taoist temple, found the HDB block. To my horror, the address of my new refferal's not inside my organiser! Sat on a bench outside the block, fliped and flipped thru it again, checked my HP call-list but no trace! Looking up the block, there're perhaps 100+ units up there.. Refused to go off thinking the family might be waiting, made a blunt decision, said a little prayer, God help me..

1st, highest floor, and asked an aunty at the corridor drying clothes. She said 7F and 4F got more Indian families staying. What makes life easier in this multiracial society is that, you can easily spot a particular race's house unit from its exterior decorations and their clothes dried along the corridor. Approached an Indian family then a young Indian chap, to no avail.. Feeling kinda discouraged and hopeless.. Ok, one more try, 4F. The 1st unit l went to and saw this familiar face of an old Indian lady standing at the door! Hahahaa, cant believe it! At this block of 19F with 6 units each of total 115 units, and there she is in front of me, only at the 4th attempt! Coincidence? Pure Luck? Miracle? Divine intervention? Oh, thank God! :D

Took another 1/2 hour bus journey to Buona Vista and train up north. By the time home, its already 730pm.. The thought of another hour down to the east to meet up the xtians @830pm for overnight chalet stay and 2 bday celebrations just far too ambitious; spirits willing but body's weak..

Dropped on my bed, completely knocked out...


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