Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Ascent Chp3: Outside the Camp - Outside our Boundary

Being a curious reader, l read the chapter last week and found it very dry and academic. But through the narration by John, it became so alive and vivid! He brought us thru the journey to the sacrifice site of Isaac and Jesus then the symbolic sacrifice of the Red Heifer(female virgin cow - the "Holy Cow").

Geographical Site
-Among the similarities of Isaac and Jesus: being the only son, they're innocent victim/sacrifice and both carrying of woods. Their journey to the more likely sacrifice site Golgotta (=Calvary, in Latin), the summit of Mt.Olives, which is the highest point of Mt.Moriah. This is contrary to the currently touristy West side of the Holy Temple at Jurusalem, ironically where a pagan Shrine of Venus was located!

Outside the Camp(the Holy Temple)
-According to the "Mishnah" (Jewish oral law), all capital punishment (death penalty) was to take place outside the camp. And Jesus, unjustly convicted, was brought outside the camp and bearing unimaginable disgrace, abuse and humiliation...

Spiritual Implication: "How do we practice that?"
-Going beyond our comfort zone; against our nature and character. Confessing that being a self-centered person, gotta pray hard to always look to the Cross to go beyond my boundary.

The question is: What is my boundary now? How many 'cubits' izzit currently?
The prayer is: There's no limit of this boundary, it gets further and further..


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