Wednesday, August 30, 2006


l always like to listen to my MP3 on the way walking to the hospital (after alighting from the bus), but last night l decided not to, and instead to see what do l hear from the 'nature'.. Hhmmm, nothing else but engines sound from automobiles zooming up and down the roads; cars, buses, lorries, motobikes.. Thinking to myself, what would this world be like by "muting" all these noises? It will be only footsteps, human voices, and from insects/animals, we can even hear the wind blows..

In Spore the noise pollution's not so bad. Recalling the time in Hanoi city, Vietnam where the never-ending motobikes on the road incessant horning and 'wloooming' noice just simply unbearable and giving me headaches! So, l am one who pro the LTA's COE to curb the number of cars/vehicles on the road! ;p

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A New System

Am assigned on 4 nights again for this week. Yesterday marked the official launching of the Electronic Billing System. While my other day shift colleagues already got their barcode ID card a week ago for them to have some hands on with the system before the launch, l only received it last night..

Anyway, the conversion of this sytem from the previous manual entry brings about an interesting aspect where the seniors can no longer play 'dowagers' anymore; end of their "seniors-know-and-say-all" autocratic era, hahaa! Time for their change of attitude and humbly seek for the more IT-literate 'youngsters' help.

Being an IT system developer previously, l couldnt understand why ppl resented and resisted automation from the more tedious manual entry. Now, being an end-user myeself and among other users who with vaious levels of IT-literacy, l know why now.. Anyway, for any Change, the Transition is always difficult, but men are adaptable. As time goes by, noise will reduce, chaos will calm down, everybody will get used it and be happy again..

(Besides God) Change is the only constant of this universe. If you cant change it, Accept it!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Am l Ready?

Today's the lesson on Repentance. Next Sat will be the last lesson, and Julie asked me whether l am be 'restored'? Hmmm...Am l??

It took about a year to re-crack the hard nut, study from the East to the North West. A long spiritual journey of struggles, wrestlings and battles. Hardened heart, bad attitudes, prideful, and apathetic towards fellowshiping. Everytime coming to church then was to listen to the Words of God, but at the instant when the sermon came to an end, l'd zoom off immediately, as l felt so insecured among xtians whom l know yet feeling like strangers. l felt like the Prodigal son who came back without the sense of belongingness nor acceptance..

But l'm really grateful for God's grace that not only he gave me this second chance, He also brought ppl into my life, when l was about to give up.. He uses ppl and situations to really humble myself. Restart from ground zero, to start to know God all over again and His Words to rebuild my convictions.

Am l ready? Gotta be humble and ask, "Do you think l am ready??" :)

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Coincidence? Pure Luck? Miracle? Divine intervention?

True enough like what my seniors said, after the lunar "Seven Month", ppl started to come back, esp elective cases. These couple of days we've been having full-house. Beds're booked even before pts' discharged.

After work, exhausted. Waited for 15min, then realised wrong bus-stop.. Dragging up the over-head bridge to the opposite bus-stop. Trying to console myself, it could be worse, what if l only realised abt it when l'm already halfway the journey in the wrong bus towards the wrong direction.. ok..

The 1-hour westward bus journey passed thru the green Thompson, the bustling Orchard Rd, commercial Raffles City, touristy Waterfront then into the old Redhill neighbourhood. Alighted near a Thai temple and stopped awhile to take a brief look at its blended Thai and Chinese architecture. Then, went onto a kopitiam nearby to 'chia teh', taking a break in this hot lazy afternoon. Ordered an ice-milo and a toast.

Its already 5 o'clock. Walked pass a small Taoist temple, found the HDB block. To my horror, the address of my new refferal's not inside my organiser! Sat on a bench outside the block, fliped and flipped thru it again, checked my HP call-list but no trace! Looking up the block, there're perhaps 100+ units up there.. Refused to go off thinking the family might be waiting, made a blunt decision, said a little prayer, God help me..

1st, highest floor, and asked an aunty at the corridor drying clothes. She said 7F and 4F got more Indian families staying. What makes life easier in this multiracial society is that, you can easily spot a particular race's house unit from its exterior decorations and their clothes dried along the corridor. Approached an Indian family then a young Indian chap, to no avail.. Feeling kinda discouraged and hopeless.. Ok, one more try, 4F. The 1st unit l went to and saw this familiar face of an old Indian lady standing at the door! Hahahaa, cant believe it! At this block of 19F with 6 units each of total 115 units, and there she is in front of me, only at the 4th attempt! Coincidence? Pure Luck? Miracle? Divine intervention? Oh, thank God! :D

Took another 1/2 hour bus journey to Buona Vista and train up north. By the time home, its already 730pm.. The thought of another hour down to the east to meet up the xtians @830pm for overnight chalet stay and 2 bday celebrations just far too ambitious; spirits willing but body's weak..

Dropped on my bed, completely knocked out...

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Mad House

Phew.. l could still feel my pulse racing, even though l'm already back at home from work..

Right after dinner time, new admissions started to come in almost at the same time and operation cases coming back... Everyone's been on turbo power and F1 speed zooming up and down.. Then, a patient went confused and was so restless that he even pulled out the drip bronula while the family was away for dinner! It took 3 of us to 'tekan' him! On top of that, patients' family requested this and that, enquiring this and that. Can feel my breathing getting heavier, and trying hard to not to raise my voice. Appreciate my fellow colleagues who're very experienced and 've been very helpful, thank God!

Nonetheless, feel very happy that had a very delightful time with a physiotherapist during dinner time sharing the salts and vinegar of our own work and encouraging each other and chit-chatting. Amidst all the thunder and lightning, that's a ray of sunshine for today.. Hmmm...

Tomorrow, what kinda scene going to be? No more mad house, l hope. Even if it is, we are equipped and ready. :)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Ascent Chp3: Outside the Camp - Outside our Boundary

Being a curious reader, l read the chapter last week and found it very dry and academic. But through the narration by John, it became so alive and vivid! He brought us thru the journey to the sacrifice site of Isaac and Jesus then the symbolic sacrifice of the Red Heifer(female virgin cow - the "Holy Cow").

Geographical Site
-Among the similarities of Isaac and Jesus: being the only son, they're innocent victim/sacrifice and both carrying of woods. Their journey to the more likely sacrifice site Golgotta (=Calvary, in Latin), the summit of Mt.Olives, which is the highest point of Mt.Moriah. This is contrary to the currently touristy West side of the Holy Temple at Jurusalem, ironically where a pagan Shrine of Venus was located!

Outside the Camp(the Holy Temple)
-According to the "Mishnah" (Jewish oral law), all capital punishment (death penalty) was to take place outside the camp. And Jesus, unjustly convicted, was brought outside the camp and bearing unimaginable disgrace, abuse and humiliation...

Spiritual Implication: "How do we practice that?"
-Going beyond our comfort zone; against our nature and character. Confessing that being a self-centered person, gotta pray hard to always look to the Cross to go beyond my boundary.

The question is: What is my boundary now? How many 'cubits' izzit currently?
The prayer is: There's no limit of this boundary, it gets further and further..

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

No MC please

Finally got myself to see the hospital resident doctor after work. Though my throat inflammation gets better after taking antibiotics, but the cough still bothered me esp at night, interrupted my sleep.
Noticed that the nurse who checked my blood-pressure has a very unique name. So kay-poh and asked where's she from. She asked me to guess. Took a good look at her face feature and her name again.. "Nepalese?" She's surprised and said first time someone got it right, ha! Too bad, didnt have time to chat more with her and to tell her that its one of my dream must-go list to visit her country in this lifetime..

After telling the doc all the details of my condition: onset of my cough, color of phlegm, worse at night, etc. He auscultated my lungs and said its clear. Saw the cough syrup that he prescribed in my card may cause drowsiness, requested for something else instead, as need to come back to work tmr.
"No MC please." - 1st time in my worklife..

Friday, August 18, 2006

The Cross

Instead of talking about Jesus, today study's on the people around him on the way to cruxification. This is a very interesting perspective of approaching the Cross. How do we relate to the characters in our attitude, our decision, our response and consequences?

-Superficially following Jesus, and they fled when their faith's under question and persecution. Remained lost.

-Did not take Jesus's plea seriously, and they fell asleep while were asked to 'keep watch'. In shock and in denial when the Son of God got arrested and led away from them.

-Always proclaimed he'd always love Jesus, but denied Jesus 3 times when under public persecution. Repented and did great work for God's church.

-Blinded by greed, betrayed and sold Jesus off for 30 silver of a price of a slave. Overwhelmed by guilt, and hung himself.

-Under political pressure and to please the crowds, he "washed his hands off" the matter, but can he really get away from the responsibility?

The Crowds
-Demanded for miracles from Jesus, as "seeing is believing"?

Godly vs Worldly Sorrow ==> Action ==> Consequences

l see my own attitude in some of the characters at certain point of time under certain circumstances...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

No Ascent # 3

Did not attend the 3rd lesson of the Ascent sermon, as had been having very itchy throat and started coughing quite badly since Wed morning.. Was on facial mask at workplace to protect others, from myself.. Cough, cough..

The night before slept for merely 3.5hours.. So sleepy..zz.. While on my way halfway the journey to the hospital, then shockingly realised forgot to pack my uniform in my bag!! Quickly alighted the following bus-stop and waited for quite awhile for a cab. The taxt driver told me at around 6-630am is the taxis changing shifts time. That explained the long waiting.. Detoured and back, arrived at work 20min late.. :(

After work, took bus 851 to Yishun. A very kind lady patted on my shoulder when the bus arrived at Yishun Interchange, as l was dozed off in the bus didnt realised that the bus already arrived. Then, struggled and dragged my tired body to a patient's house whom l have been visitng for the past 3 months for a home procedure, but the son said he's out attending a funeral.. Cough, cough, cough.. Alright.. that's fine.. Haiya.. :(

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Sophie Scholl – The Final Days

Went to watch this movie with a friend from HK. I always enjoy the wits of HK ppl and their dialects which’s full of very funny vocabs and slang. And this is one of the very rare who likes to read the Asian Weekly in Chinese and European History! Too bad we missed the beginning bit of the movie as we went into the wrong cinema just next to it… Morale of the incidence: too much talking made one disoriented at times…

This German film’s about Sophie and her brother, Hans Scholl as the members of White Rose, a non-violent resistance group against the Nazi regime. When the siblings're laying out leaflets at Munich University, they're caught by a janitor who later called the Gestapo (German Nazi secret police). The film focused on Sophie’s mentally tormenting interrogation for days by the questioning official Robert Mohr. Though initially she tried to bluff him, but after her brother Hans finally confessed everything, she started to vindicate her ideals on Peace, Freedom, Conscience and her Faith in God, while also trying to protect the other group members. On the 6th day after their arrest, the Scholls and their aide Christoph Probst were convicted of high treason and sentenced to death on February 23, 1943.

"My little girl, though from now on, you'll not be passing through our door anymore, we're very proud of you. YOu're doing the right thing.." We're moved to tears at this scene when both Sophie's parents went to see them at the prison for the very last time. One of her last words before the execution: “The Sun still shines!”

Very moved and inspired by this young German lady's courage, hope and faith..

Before falling asleep at night, thinking through what the courageous young heroine stood up for her ideal, a question popped up, “Will l stand up for what is right even at the price of my life??” Hhmmm…

“Will you?”

Monday, August 14, 2006

The Ascent #2

All the seemingly restrictive, harsh, and cruel laws and commands in the OT for the Israelites not to make life more burdensome, but its for their own good. God knows it better, yet man only discovered it thousands of years later!

With the advancements in medicines and technology, men started to realize the truth behind all the laws. Clinically, anyone who’re admitted with infectious diseases will be nursed in an Isolation room, and it’s a Standard Precautions that any medical workers to wash their hands meticulously, and any conscientious government in office would spend millions of dollars in the sanitation system as part of the basic infrastructures.

There’re still many ununderstandable thus seemed unreasonable laws and commands for us up till today. But hey, aren’t we just like the Israelites at Moses’ times who couldn’t comprehend the goodness of Circumcision for boys at the “eighth day” (personally, the scientific fact of VitK - the coagulant production’s at its peak on this day, just blown me away!) Bit by bit, the “but Why”, “by What”, and “so How” revealed through times and discoveries.. These just among many others that shows God wanted to protect us. During the congregation, upon listening to John's preaching on this 2nd lesson of the Ascent lessons, l vaguely seemed to ‘see’ (being a visual person) His “love” for us… :)

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sigh, What a Day!!

At first, the request to swap shift on Sunday with a colleague got rejected by the manager. Then, a clash with a doc followed by a complaint, and blew my top with the senior. After work, inside the bus was praying to ‘love’ them all, but the heart just couldn’t rest. In front of the dessert store just about to order my favorite green bean soup, but realized there wasn’t even a dollar in my wallet.. Then, the pt delayed the payment for the second time.. Went home for a 15-min nap, and woke up with a heavy head and sorethroat. Out to meet the cat who sms she’d be late but took the wrong train to the opposite direction, so ended up even later…

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

5 Hours of Spiritual Feast

5 hours of spiritual lessons and interactions, definitely well worth the fireworks! Besides, it’s a big ‘party’ that came for the ‘feast’ too!

1st half:
A heavy lesson on Godly Sorrow vs Worldly Sorrow and what motivated me wanting to Repent
Is God in the whole picture, or is it all about I, Me, and Myself only? A big big question to ponder and meditate on…

Then, a challenge to learn to love God. Being born in a traditional Chinese family which there’s no concept of ‘Love’, it is not easy to grasp – to see, to feel and to understand God’s love.. Something to pray hard on…

2nd half:
A good reminder lesson on Decipleship that comes in 3 forms: 1) from other xtians around, 2) God’s words and 3) by ourselves!
It’s important as a guidance in our xtian journey and be open for correction and to seek advises as we all help each other to strive towards Christlikeness.

Both deciplers and decipers per se, were convicted and started to share about their experiences as they played the different roles in different stages of their xtian lives… As we learn the about God's words, we get to know each other better too; talents and struggles.

Thanks to CL for giving us a lift to the MRT! A treat? No-problemo! ;)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Weakest Link

Had a real bad sorethroat since yesterday, then came the flu and slight fever… My throats’s always been my “weakest list”, and think the pathogens (be it viruses, bacterias or fungus, which causes all types of diseases) know it pretty well too. There they are, making their “grand entrance” again.. But hey, you minute creatures couldn’t refrain me from feeling so excited that today is my OFF day again, yoohoo~~!! ;) Have planned a list ‘to-do’ for today: do laundry, spring-clean my house, update my blog, cut my hair (maybe do a coloring, feel bored of the plain black hair), go library do QT, meeting xtians for dinner, then proceed to Julie’s house for my study follow by WT’s study.. Hmmm, l like that! Too bad couldn’t join in for the fireworks festival tonight at Marina, but gotta weigh the priority and time to practice self-control and self-denying the pleasure and fun seeking side of mine, instead to seek for spiritual nourishment…

That’s so much for physical. Spiritual wise, my weakest link is always my
, and believe Satan knows it far too well too… It uses various provoking situations, people and things to tempt me to fall into this character sin. Pride, is like a viral infection that causes other diseases to blossom like,
proud/arrogant, anger, lie, argument, self-centered, unloving, unforgiving
etc. So, gotta constantly pray for Humility, as that’s the antibiotics for Pride.

What is your “Weakest Link”?

[1 Corin 10:13] No tempation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful, He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Fruitful Sunday

Sunday Sermon
By ZQ seems to be the continuation of yesterday’s sin study! While yesterday we talked about our Heart, today the convicting bring home message was The way to our Heart through our Wounds! [John4:16] Jesus touched on the most vulnerable point of the Samaritan woman to expose her life. Though it may seem insensitive and hurtful, but it is the way to our heart by exposing our most vulnerable, ugliest, and darkest points…

Sins Confessions
It’s embarrassing to share and confess to even close xtians like BB, Garf and Julie. Think that’s the difference between friends in the kingdom and friends in the world. You’ll be assured that despite of all your “ugliness”, you’ll still be accepted and being loved as who you are… It is indeed very refreshing!

[1 John 1:9] If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

So Enlightening..

This afternoon had a study at Julie’s house @3pm. The sun’s scotching hot! So, we’re all so glad to enter into the air-conditioned study room. Air-conditioner is undoubtedly one of the most wonderful inventions in our modern world!

As the prelude, we had some light chat. Talked about many many things from Taj Mahal to post-natal depression... to the deep teaching. We all got so excited sharing with Julie what we learnt from the lesson last night and how it helped us in clearing some of our misconceptions on the Bible in its physical form that comes with many different versions etc. The question arised was, “What about the Chinese Bible then??” Based on which language bible(s) that the couple of Chinese bible ‘versions’ existed now were translated from?? Hhmmmm… Another BIG topic to research on…

Then, comes the serious talk on the sins study… After rounds of questioning, answering, sharing and reflecting… the great realization unanimously is that the root of most of our major and minor sins is our very Heart! [Heart->Attitude->Action].Yet, so often we get too focus on the ‘actions’ – the ‘what to do?’ and the ‘solutions’. So, to tackle it more effectively is to go from the other direction instead, ie: to go deeper to check our hearts, then it’ll be reflected in our attitude and our actions.. In clinical lingo, by solving the underlying diseases/disorder, the signs and symptoms will be cured as well… Hmmm yes, theoretically that’s it! Ha, it’s easier said than done, when comes to application in life, it’ll be much complicated and there’ll still be struggles… Another thing for sure will help too: Be open, confess and share. Be humble, seek for advice and Pray!

We all walked out the room with 'glowing' faces - enlightened by the wisdom guru, our dearest Julie Fan! :D

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Deep Teaching Series - The Ascent to Truth

Last night @1830, met up with BB at Yishun. At the Bus Interchange, we couldnt find Bus#85, we asked a SMRT bus driver in his apple green color uniform. He pointed us the direction, and he said, it will depart in 2min time. Phew, just in time. We went joined in the queue. The same bus uncle came to us and said, you're standing on #39 lane, its the queue right next to it! Oh, so impressed by his courtesy! And, guess what? He is the driver of the #85, which then drives us to the church! :o

l always enjoy the bus journey, where not only we can talk leisurely, sitting side by side next to each other enabled us to whisper into each others’ ears some “secrets” too, hahaa.. Had a great time with BB catching up with each other’s life.. :) WT, in her favourite black, waiting for us at the bus stop liao.

This Fri session of the deep teaching series is catered for parents. The crowd's much smaller, thus using the smaller Nusantara Hall at 2F. BB told us, how do you know whether its Fathers or Mothers turn, look at the number of cars parked outside the church building, then you’ll know. Ha!

What an informative lesson by John Louis on the history of how the Word of God evolved from the ancient manuscripts hand-written on different materials from papyrus etc to the current printed Bible! The early medieval churches, though tried to create an “access barrier” for the scriptures to reach the common mass, they couldn’t fight God who then brought about incredible men like John Wycliffe, Willian Tyndale etc who sacrificed their lives translating the scriptures from Latin and Greek respectively into English bringing the Truth even till the modern age now. Hey, we can even read their works on the internet now, isnt that amazing?!

Throughout the twists and turns, we could see how God’s hands worked through the whole process to spread this gospel to the mankind. I am very convicted after knowing our Bible does not come by as easy as just paying couple of dollar notes to buy it off the shelf from any bookshops. There’re blood, tears, sweat, dreams, lives and God’s incredible plan and timing to bring the Bible onto our hands. l, personally, will see it in a very different light now.. =]

Phew, that’s the warming up to bring us into the OT world in the lessons to come of the fundamentals of God’s teaching! Really excited and looking forward to it, amen! Pls pray for me that my colleague will be willing to change the next Wed shift with me so that l can attend the 2nd lesson next week, thanks!

Friday, August 04, 2006

A Technical Glitch

Was in a shock to come back and saw the page of the webblog in such a mess, out of alignment and one of the paragraphs were missing altogether! Searching high and low, finally found the culprit was a single broken html tag! Such a little error causes the entire page become chaotic. Chaos is confusing and making people who saw the mess frowned. Now everything’s back to order and, it is good.

Amended the blog “On Last Sunday” – B2) An Insecured to fellowship

A Peaceful Night

Hooray, TGIF!! Seldom have l the chance to shout this abbreviation out in joy, as my off days not always fall over the weekend. But this week, thank God that get to rest and enjoy the weekend like the rest of the world does… l couldnt contain my joy started even from hours before the end of the shift early this morning, when the rest of the world still sound asleep in their dreamland.. Having something to look forward to, even as simple as this, is a blessing by itself.. And, l am grateful and thankful that due to my duty on the Wed night just past, my small group will go attend the Friday service instead for the sake of accompany me.. Thank you so much and looking forward to the deep teaching tonight to bring us higher and deeper into the word of God. :)

Last night, the “poor ah-ma” so much calmed down and condition stabilised.. Stroking her snowy white hair, her wrinkled forehead and her much-reduced swollen left eye, she slept so soundly; so as the rest of the other beds patients who shared the same room as her… It’s a peaceful night indeed..

Thursday, August 03, 2006

My 3rd Night

Phew.. last midnight a 79 year-old "ah mah" was admitted with a swelling left eye and a gauze cavered just beside the eye. Opened up the gauze, a cut with depth around 1-1.5" still oozing blood.. Had a fall, lacerated the eye and suspected fractured her left hip too. Poor ah mah.. kinda common for elderly her age, esp while trying to walk to toilet at night in the dark.. After the fall, she's in a confused state and at times kept screaming and shouting. Tried to calm her down by 'sayang-sayang' her, but all the more she struggled.. Sigh, at my wits end..

Tonight changed partner, and how l miss the Myamese colleague l had the last 2 nights, who's so organised and diligent in her work. Thats what l notice about this tribe of people. They're quiet yet hardworking, kind, gracious and with strengh underneath their gentleness. Its true that when your mouth's too busy complaining and grumbling, your hands stop working. What a breeze to have good partners working in a team! One more night to go.. endure.. looking forward to the 3 off days (2 sleeping days and 1 off day) after that! Hooray~~ Yeepee~~!! :D

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

On Last Sunday..

This post is actually a recollection of what happened last Sunday and thru it comes the inspiration of the birth and thus the title of this Webblog..

And, all these happened on one fateful Sunday..

B1)An owl to meet for early breakfast
@6am, handphone alarm rang. Woke up 3/4 asleep and called Sam, morning call; upon request. Too doopey to figure out why wasnt it Sam's voice but someone else singing some funny song.. Hang up, back to my slumberland.. zzz..
@7am, woke up 1/2 asleep, another 10min, can? @0710, 1/4 asleep, another 5min.. @0715, ok, better up and rise!

SMS fr Sam said she just woke up, be late to meet us by 9am. Huh, how come? Didnt l call her @6am? It turned out besides WeiTing who arrived on time @8am at Khatib station, me and BB're late too.. "Dui bu chi, WT!"

It's a beautiful Sunday morning and "Siah Siah, BB!" for giving us a breakfast treat at Khatib McDonalds!
Demonstrated my Canon Powershot A700 a feature which can capture a selected color of the view, which l find it so~~ cool! See, WT in the yellow world of McDonalds! :)

B2)An insecured to fellowship
Sunday service, preached by Teck Meng: Access to God. God listens to prayers, There're rooms for us in Heaven and, Friends forever in the kingdom of God.

Saw Sriwan, who just joined the hospital, sitting 2 rows ahead. Ok, later will go say Hi. But after the service she's talking with her group members. So thinking, "Hmmm, will l disturb their conversation?" Waited.. Still talking.. waited again.. Enough waiting! Go! Dont wanna give anymore excuses of not fellowshipping again. Yup, did it and learnt abit more on infection control and most probably will see each other more around the hospital.

@1230, we all gathered to hop onto FJ’s lorry. Hahaa, we all flocked behind the lorry deck like Bangladeshi workers being transported to worksite.

What added to the excitement was it started drizzling from the moment we left the church and rain drops got heavier as we journeyed onto the expressway.. And interestingly, everybody’re trying to cover their heads (ok, ok, including myself lah) with everything from newspapers, hooded jackets, cardigan, towel and umbrella (oh no, wind too strong on a moving vehicle!)..
The rest of the body and bags can be drenched, but the hair must not be messy and the face must stay clean, dry, handsome and pretty! Hahaa.. Some, upon landing seemed totally “untouched” by the unmercifully strong wind and the rain.. Hmmm..

Errgg… Starting to see stars, my eyes and my head getting heavier.. Signs of low batt alert!! Gotta go have a power nap for tonight another night to go..

Will continue on the following, so stay tuned!

B3) A Runaway to Stay
B4) An Impatient to Wait
B5) A Prideful to be Humble
B6) An Independent to be Vulnerable

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Monday Morning @BK, Wdland CP

Oh my... just woke up from my sleep, and its already 1830!! Spent time with Garfield this morning after my 1st day of night shift at Woodlands BK till 1230... Struggling to keep the brain power on, the eyes opened (the already very small eyes getting even smaller; at times had to ask for a break to rest the heavy eyes).. But hey, really treasure the morning time together after such a long time we had a one-to-one time together, eh? And, its really great to see both of us get "fired up" by the spirit of God at different accounts under God's well-arranged timing. Looking forward to your self-reflections on the Deep Teaching lessons.

And hey, be assured of the Bible Bowl! See, now you got the 3 Noah's sons name right liao! Heheh.... ;p

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